Monday, January 26, 2009

My First Post!

Hey everyone! 

This is the first time I've ever used a blog before so I'm curious to see where this will take me and what I'll end up doing with it. I know yesterday in class my group talked a lot about MLTI. We had a bunch of questions about it. For instance, why 7th graders? Why start using them in the middle of middle school? Why not give them to the 8th graders or freshman in high school? We also talked about how maybe the schools jumped into this idea too quickly and didn't give it enough thought. My sister is two years younger than I am and she was the second year of the MLTI program, they had no rules or restrictions really except for they laptops were not allowed to be taken home. My brother is four years younger than I am and when he first started the MLTI program they had an assembly about the laptops, parents had to come in and sign wavers saying it was okay for their child to take the computers home, and they also had to pay an insurance fee on the computer in case anything happened to it. These rules came after my sisters class because so many people had problems with the computers, they broke things, they got viruses, etc. The school even hired a second computer teacher just to fix computers. As a group we felt like the schools probably should have thought about some of these things before they jumped into buying all of these computers. We are not saying this was a bad idea it just needed some more thought before being thrown into schools and classrooms. 

I hope this sparks some ones interest! :)