Saturday, March 21, 2009

25 Things I Hate About Facebook

Hey everyone, 
  I found this video youtube and thought it was hilarious! Some of the things that this guy comes up with are so true! Julian Smith talks at the end about relationship gossip ad if it's not on facebook it's not official and I thought that was great! Anyways I thought some other people might want to check it out and get a little laugh out of it. It's interesting how much everyone loves facebook but when you listen to this guy talk about it you sit there ant think "That's sooooo true!"

Monday, March 9, 2009

Oprah, Jon & Kate Plus 8, and Technology

Hello again!
Today I was watching Oprah and she had Jon & Kate Plus 8 on her show. They were talking to them through the camera because Jon & Kate and their children were at home doing the show. Near the end of the show they used Skype to talk to a couple who was expecting quadruplets. I found this very interesting! I'd never seen anyone on a large television show use Skype. It was soooo cool! How awesome is it that because of Skype the couple could share their story with Oprah and talk to Jon & Kate about their experience. The woman was so far along in her pregnancy that it would be hard for her to travel across the country to be on the show. Instead she can stay in the comfort of her home and talk to America. Anyways I thought this was pretty neat because before this class I'd only seen one person use Skype and it was my roommate last year because boyfriend was in Iraq, so to see something like that used on television was a big deal. 
Again hope everyone is having a good break! See you all soon!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Hey everyone!
I'm not really sure how much this has to do with technology but I'm going to talk about it anyways. Some of you already know this but our softball team is in Florida right now for spring break. When we travel to the field I always notice all the billboards on the side of the road. I remember asking my dad one time why Maine doesn't have billboards. It seems like every other state we travel to does but we don't. So I did a little research and found out that in Maine it is illegal to have billboards. They were banned in 1965 as part of the Federal Highway Beautification Act. According to the Portland Press Herald Maine, Vermont, Hawaii, and Alaska are the only four states that ban billboards. Anyways I thought this was a fun little fact. I guess it relates to technology because some billboards are now just like TV screens and they flash peoples signs instead of being pasted on, or they rotate panels to display 3 or 4 different signs. 
Hope everyones break is going well! :)