Monday, April 27, 2009

Final Blog

FINAL blog—please post a final blog about...blogging...and what you have learned about it, how it could be used by you in the future in your chosen field, what you have learned by other bloggers you have read (or are reading), and whether you will continue to keep your blog going or let it drop. Finally, what is your advice to new bloggers?

I'd like to start this blog by saying that I have learned a lot about blogging since I started this semester. I've seen it used in many different ways. (as a teaching tool, to talk to other teachers, or even to have young children use in a classroom.) I've learned that these blogs can be professional or personal. I've learned that some are useful and some are not. Some are funny and some are serious. There is no right or wrong way to make a blog and the possibilities of it are endless. As much as I like blogs I'm not sure that I will continue blogging. I may stop for a while and come back to it when I start teaching in a classroom of my own. My advise to someone who is just starting a blog is to keep your mind open. You can't say or do anything wrong on blogger. Like I said before there is no right or wrong so feel free to be as creative/expressive as you want.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Did You Know?

Hey everyone!
   One of my teammates showed me this video and I thought it was awesome! Some of this stuff was insane but totally true! Hope you all enjoy :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Children & Technology

Hey everyone!
  So I know someone already talked about it in one of their blogs last week but I'm going to bring up the topic again. I was in my CHF 203 class where you get to play with pre-school children and observe them and I was talking to one of the little girls. We were talking about pets and she told me she had a hedge hog so we talked about what they eat and where they live and things like that. When we were talking about how the hedge hog doesn't shed but does something similar called quilling the little girl mentioned to me that she saw a video of it on YouTube. This got me thinking... Did this girls mother or father look up on YouTube quilling? Did the little girl go on YouTube and type in hedge hog or quilling? What else would she find if she typed in one of those words?  So i did some investigating on YouTube and typed in both of the words "quilling" and "hedge hog"...
   When I typed in "hedge hog" I found many useless videos about random things like sonic the hedge hog and peoples hedge hogs doing random things. When I typed in quilling I found only things about quilling which happens to be a craft that people do. None of these videos seemed educational. It's interesting to see what things will come up when you type in words like that. I had no idea that quilling was a craft I just thought it had to do with hedge hogs shedding. 
   Anyways this is just something for people to think about when they get on YouTube next time.